Sales Person Role
Last updated 14 March 2017
'Albion Waste' is the trading name of Epicure Number 2 Ltd registered in England and Wales.
If you are under 16 you should always ask your parent or guardian for permission before providing any personal information to anyone online and you must let your parent or guardian know about Albion Waste's Privacy Policy before you register to use this Site or any of this Site's services.
We may modify the Terms from time to time.
Please read the Terms and check back often. If you do not agree to the Terms, or any subsequent change to them, you must immediately stop using the Site. Any changes made after you have placed an order will not affect that order unless we are required to make the change by law.
In order to interact with us on the Site you may be required to provide your personal details and if asked, you must provide your real name, phone number, e-mail address and other requested information as indicated.
By ordering a service, delivery of bags or cardboard stickers and if you are an existing client you expressly authorise us to perform credit checks and where Albion Waste feels necessary, to transmit or to obtain information (including any updated information) about you to or from third parties, including but not limited to your credit/debit card number or credit reports (including credit reports for your spouse if you reside in a community property jurisdiction), to authenticate your identity, to validate your credit/debit card, to obtain an initial credit/debit card authorization and to authorize individual purchase transactions.
Furthermore, you agree that we may use Personal Information provided by you in order to conduct appropriate anti-fraud checks. Personal Information that you provide may be disclosed to a credit reference or fraud prevention agency, which may keep a record of that information, as further described in the Privacy Policy.
Please refer to this page frequently to review our current Terms.